Dynamic Gauge Colors for JET Visualizations
Ideas for prettying up the colors in Oracle JET visualizations
Don't Forget Your oj.ColorConverter Dependencies
Whenever I try to convert JET colors, I never seem to get the dependencies right on the first try. Plus I forget how to setup the converterFactory and pass in the right formats.
Deliver JET via CDN
Configure Oracle JET to use a CDN and reduce the deployment footprint
Reprise: Using Grunt to Create a WAR file
Updated for JET 3.x: Leveraging Oracle JET's Grunt setups to create a WAR file from the release:build process to deploy a JET project to Java Cloud
My Favorite WWDC17 Sessions
It's my first Apple Developer's Conference!
Install a SSL Certificate Directly onto Java Cloud Service
Use SSH access and cheap certificates to run SSL for reals on on your demo and prototype JCS servers
APEX REST: Two Separate SQL Queries, One RESTful Endpoint
Using PL/SQL and APEX_JSON to create just the payload we need from two separate potential queries in an APEX RESTful Resource Handler
How Do You Pronounce "Fat Arrow?"
I see it everywhere these days, but how do you *say* it?
When `yum groupinstall` Says Group Does Not Exist
A workaround when your Linux repos don't have groups configured and you can't just create them
Return a Promise from handleActivated for Data-bound ojModules
Use ojModule's handleActivated to fetch and return your data, postponing the DOM until the promise resolves