Sample OracleJET Codebases In the Wild
If you want to get started with OracleJET, the purest way is to download only the base distribution package and then create a HTML5/JS app in NetBeans. This creates a very plain app: an empty canvas ready for you to pour your code into from scratch.
But if you’re looking to see (and possibly steal ideas from) some working code, the easiest way is to use NetBeans 8.1’s QuickStart Template and let it download the Basic Starter Template zip file to build out a project for you. The wizard uses the same Quickstart basic starter code that you can download by hand from OTN if you don’t want to use NetBeans.
As I’ve been ramping up on JET I’ve stumbled on a few other examples of working JET code that can be imported as HTML5/JS apps into NetBeans following the same steps in Geertjan’s blog above. Here’s a list of some JET samples in the wild:
WorkBetter App
The WorkBetter demo is a great showcase of what you can do with JET and stands in contrast to the QuickStart template with fancy styling and masonry layout on the home page. If it looks familiar it’s because this is the JET version of the ADF WorkBetter sample app. The beautiful thing is that you can look at the code by downloading the zip file:
- Working copy: JET WorkBetter Demo
- Code zip file:
Blogger Kenneth Lange wrote an excellent JET tutorial that mirrors an Angular.js exercise out on the Internets. He builds a CRUD app up from the base distribution and documents the process.
- Code zip file:
Buried deep in the JET documentation is another CRUD sample app. This one is based on the JET Common Model and also is an example of how to use the REST mock server. That documentation page is a rundown of the code, but it’s nice to have a working copy in NetBeans to follow along with and hack on.
- Code zip file: OraclerJET-CommonModel-CRUD
Another code sample can be found in the docs at the bottom of Designing Single-Page Applications Using Oracle JET. This page walks through creating a SPA with ojModule and ojRouter to create a bookmarkable website and talks about when to use query parameters versus URI path segments.
I hope they keep posting downloadable code samples from the documentation, as it illuminates the docs and proves that the steps work.
- Code zip file: SPA-ojModule-ojRouter
There’s another code sample on the JET OTN Downloads page named “Components Interactions” and you can download the source code from there, but I strongly recommend you instead follow the OpenWorld Hands-On-Lab instructions and build this code yourself from scratch. The HOL instructions will walk you through it and you’ll end up with the same code as below but will learn a lot more from the experience.
- Working copy: JET-ComponentInteraction
- Code zip file: Components Interactions: Sample Application for Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit
I’m on the lookout for more sample code, so please let me know if you have links to any other good codebases.