Posts Tagged “Dev”

Dynamic Gauge Colors for JET Visualizations

Don't Forget Your oj.ColorConverter Dependencies

Deliver JET via CDN

Reprise: Using Grunt to Create a WAR file

My Favorite WWDC17 Sessions

APEX REST: Two Separate SQL Queries, One RESTful Endpoint

How Do You Pronounce "Fat Arrow?"

Return a Promise from handleActivated for Data-bound ojModules

Leveraging the ojModule Life Cycle Functions

Build a Standalone App with Electron and Oracle JET

JSFiddle Base for Oracle JET 2.1.0

The Best JavaOne Session I Didn't See (in person)

Using the ABCS Custom Code Component to Get and Set Data

Swapping in External Data Sources for the JET Cookbook Examples

Nav Drawer is the New QuickStart

Parsing a Sales Cloud JWT after passing it into APEX

Creating a Popup Message Box for Oracle JET Forms

Using Grunt to Build a WAR File

Adding a Grunt Plugin to JET

Decoding JET's Grunt Scripts

Passing Data into ojModules

Modules are Your Friends

Creating Oracle Sales Cloud Calendar Activities Via APEX REST Calls

Pouring JET Cookbook Code into QuickStart

Sample OracleJET Codebases In the Wild

Adding FontAwesome to Oracle JET QuickStart

Applescript Workflow Fails When No Safari Window Open

The Web Is Dead, Long Live the Web

Mac OSX Productivity Tips for Developers