Don't Forget Your oj.ColorConverter Dependencies
I mess this up every time I try to use it:
If you’re attempting to leverage the Oracle JET color converter, you’ll get these errors in your browser console if you forget the dependencies at the top of your ojModule’s define()
TypeError: Cannot read property 'converterFactory' of undefined
// you left out 'ojs/ojvalidation'
TypeError: oj.Color is not a constructor
// you left out 'ojs/ojcolor'
Also, besides including 'ojs/ojvalidation'
and 'ojs/ojcolor'
, watch to make sure you perform all the steps:
- Create a ConverterFactory of type color
- Pass in an options object for the format you want to output and create the converter itself
- Make sure the input color is an ojColor object first (see below for a trick for using CSS Color Keywords directly)
- Run it through the converter
define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'jquery', 'ojs/ojvalidation', 'ojs/ojcolor'],
function(oj, ko, $) {
// Steps 1 & 2 (one time only)
// Use a factory to create a converter for the output you want
var cf = oj.Validation.converterFactory(oj.ConverterFactory.CONVERTER_TYPE_COLOR);
var convHsl = cf.createConverter({"format": "hsl"}) ;
// Steps 3 & 4
// Create a Color object first, then convert it
var rgbaOrig = new oj.Color("rgba(27,128,254,0.8)");
var convertedRgbaColor = convHsl.format(rgbaOrig);
// returns "hsla(213, 99%, 55%, 0.8)"
var hexOrig = new oj.Color("#fa8072");
var convertedHexColor = convHsl.format(hexOrig);
// returns "hsl(6, 93%, 71%)"
var objectOrig = new oj.Color({h:310, s:50, v:80, a:0.8});
var convertedObjectColor = convHsl.format(objectOrig);
// returns "hsla(310, 50%, 60%, 0.8)"
// What if you want to use CSS3 color specification strings?
// Convert it in one fell swoop using object bracket notation
// (but be advised the CSS3 color properties are in ALLCAPS
// on the oj.Color object):
var convertedCSS3str = convHsl.format(oj.Color['deeppink'.toUpperCase()]); // returns "hsl(328, 100%, 54%)"
Here’s a little fun with converters as a bonus: